Subaru Enthusiasts Car Club of the Sierras

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IheartSTI 2011-10-25 08:37 PM

this forum is dead
i come on this forum every few days hoping and praying to see something new and it rarely happens. this forum needs a jump start. are you old school suby bastards just over it or what?

khail19 2011-10-25 08:47 PM

So it's only up to the old school guys to keep things going?

sperry 2011-10-25 08:59 PM


Originally Posted by IheartSTI (Post 158752)
i come on this forum every few days hoping and praying to see something new and it rarely happens. this forum needs a jump start. are you old school suby bastards just over it or what?

Well, I guess that's one way to start a new thread. :lol:

Like Khail said, there never really was much of a 2nd wave of people here to carry the torch. Most of us original folks are like 30+ now, with careers, families, and no Subarus. So there just doesn't seem to be much that's new to talk about I guess.

Some of it is our fault for being a bit crotchety, but some of it is also that 10 years on the subaru scene just isn't nearly as interesting as it was when the wrx was brand new to the US.

100_Percent_Juice 2011-10-25 09:46 PM

I try my best.

100_Percent_Juice 2011-10-25 10:01 PM

Sam, why haven't you posted any of your builds? To me, that is about as on topic as you can get. Lets see a thread on that RHD scoob. Unless you sold it :(

100_Percent_Juice 2011-10-25 10:03 PM

I actually think the main problem is that we don't all have signature pictures like Alex...

Until today!

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100_Percent_Juice 2011-10-25 10:12 PM

So I was going through all the old pictures I made. I found this one and laughed. Who's car is this? haha

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khail19 2011-10-25 10:31 PM

Pretty sure it's one of Kevin's old wagons.

100_Percent_Juice 2011-10-25 10:37 PM

So sleepy.





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IheartSTI 2011-10-26 06:51 AM

Joel u must have been as bored as me. U posted on my thread like 3 times and text me twice! It's up to u old schoolers my generation is f'd.

IheartSTI 2011-10-26 06:54 AM

A brilliant idea just smacked me square in the shorts.... Extreme makeover forum addition!!

cody 2011-10-26 08:24 AM

LMAO. Take it upon yourself to start posting Subaru or motorsports news. I'm sure that will spark some discussion.

100_Percent_Juice 2011-10-26 08:34 AM


Originally Posted by IheartSTI (Post 158763)
A brilliant idea just smacked me square in the shorts.... Extreme makeover forum addition!!

I guess that's better than the "Queer Eye for the Car Guy" idea that you had earlier.

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Nick Koan 2011-10-26 08:56 AM

I'm going to start a new forum, with blackjack and hookers.

A1337STI 2011-10-26 09:12 AM


Originally Posted by sperry (Post 158754)
Some of it is our fault for being a bit crotchety, but some of it is also that 10 years on the subaru scene just isn't nearly as interesting as it was when the wrx was brand new to the US.

That probably has a good chunk to do with it. Not a lot of new members, and the new ones get Razzed hard. that and Flat 4 has gobbled up a lot of the younger into subaru crowd. and no "new" exciting subarus since 04 (er think you could buy an STI in 03)

... and not enough dirt racing too :p definitely the problem ... definitely

A1337STI 2011-10-26 09:13 AM

We need spotted cards like has good way to grow the memberbase

100_Percent_Juice 2011-10-26 09:22 AM

I don't know about anyone else but, I have no desire to walk up to someones car and put a card on it. How about a sticker that has cheap adhesive that is super hard to remove?

sperry 2011-10-26 10:05 AM


Originally Posted by A1337STI (Post 158770)
We need spotted cards like has good way to grow the memberbase

We had stacks and stacks of them in the past. And while they got the word out in 2002, I just don't think they really work that well these days... anyone that's interested in an online forum is savvy enough these days to simply google us up.

Plus, what's the point of "growing the memberbase" if new people come out to the meet or visit the board and there's no one there. They may be a new member, but only for a day or two. The first thing necessary to grow the club is to have active people that actively want to grow the club and provide value that other's will join to get. That's really what's missing, as pointed out in Sam's thread on the topic. We used to bring people together with autocross, tech info, and general camaraderie. These days, the racing is down to just the hard-core few, all of the common tech questions have been answered about these cars (at least to the point where there isn't much to discuss), and the camaraderie is such that it's kinda all inside jokes amongst the old schoolers these days.

Personally, I'm not super concerned with growing the club. I like the board and the folks on it as it is today. I don't get out to the meets much, but when I go I go because people I already know are also going. SECCS is "comfortable" as it is. Now that's not to say I don't want the club to grow, or that I'd stand in the way of other members that want to grow the club. In fact, I'd love to see others pick up this popsicle and run with it a bit. It's just not a big enough concern of mine to actively work hard at getting new members, especially when a lot of the Subaru scene (at least nationally) these days is full of flat-brimmer, extreme-sport, hellaflush, street-racer type kids that I don't identify with.

In the past, my car and SECCS was basically 100% of my social life... it consumed all of my free time, all of my close friends were from the club, etc. Today, I'm married, I've got a mortgage, etc... I don't have the time or drive to work on the club the way I used to. Sure I'm nostalgic for the old days of racing every weekend, huge meets every thursday, road-trips to Sac or where ever. But I wouldn't trade my life today to go back... it's up to the rest of you guys to breathe some new life into the club if that's what you want. I'm happy to help when it comes to the forums if that's useful. I'm just not going to be tagging cars with spotted cards, buying 6am donuts before the autocrosses, organizing group drives and mod days, etc. the way I used to... but I'd love it if that sort of stuff was done by other members. And there have been a few people that tried... Ms Heatha was putting together her "Cruise-Arus" for example... and there just weren't many people interested. :(

100_Percent_Juice 2011-10-26 10:12 AM

I have 3 kids. Need I say more? I always want to participate in club stuff but the timing is usually wrong. I have wanted to autox since 06 and I have still never even been out to an event. I have been to a handful of meets in the past but I just can't do thursday night.

sperry 2011-10-26 10:14 AM


Originally Posted by A1337STI (Post 158768)
That probably has a good chunk to do with it. Not a lot of new members, and the new ones get Razzed hard. that and Flat 4 has gobbled up a lot of the younger into subaru crowd. and no "new" exciting subarus since 04 (er think you could buy an STI in 03)

... and not enough dirt racing too :p definitely the problem ... definitely

I will admit that we were pretty harsh for a while. Guys like Cody, 100%_Juice, and even you to some extent, got hazed pretty badly. But at the time, there were lots of real d-bags getting into the scene that we just didn't want to be associated with. Those of you guys that stuck around have actually turned out to be great guys and the club never descended into the garbage street-racer thug shit that other boards succumbed to. Over the last couple of years, I don't feel like the vibe around here has been nearly as harsh.

And I don't know that Flat4 really took away many from SECCS. Their board is just as dead as ours these days, I don't think their meets are happening often either. Plus many of their members are also members here since the two clubs really aren't mutually exclusive. I just think that the format of the clubs just doesn't seem to offer anything to the community the way it used to. Is everyone just on myfacetwit instead of message forums these days or what?

sperry 2011-10-26 10:17 AM

FYI: I merged the related posts in the spotted thread in here.

GusGus91 2011-10-26 11:16 AM

I'm actually on SECCS more than flat4, and I was one of the founding people in Reno for f4. Like you said, it's DEAD there. Plus it's just been kids getting butt hurt over there..We have meets but they're not really subaru meets anymore just a bunch of cars and friends that get dinner friday nights. I'll try and post some more motorsports related stuff here and see if that get's the ball rolling a bit. And I'd be down to always do club stuff if I knew about it or it happened. And next season I'm going to have the wrx ready for some road course and sti for auto-x so I'll be in those discussions more. I just didnt have time for them this year..

And I agree with Nick. More Blackjack and Hookers. That's sure to get it going here. ;)

MPREZIV 2011-10-26 11:38 AM


Originally Posted by Nick Koan (Post 158767)
I'm going to start a new forum, with blackjack and hookers.

In fact, FORGET the forum!

100_Percent_Juice 2011-10-26 11:49 AM

I don't know why people *cough* Austin *cough* Sam *cough* others, don't post threads of the cars they are working on? Just like all of a sudden, oh hey I have a RHD subaru or all sorts of aftermarket parts going on classifieds that obviously came off of a build or are being replaced with something more awesome.

I think maybe people are afraid to share because they don't know what feedback they will get or they just don't because they assume people wouldn't be interested. I try to post about anything that I do with my car but mine is pretty plane jane compared to others. Maybe we should do member journals?

sperry 2011-10-26 11:49 AM


Originally Posted by MPREZIV (Post 158780)
In fact, FORGET the forum!

And upgrade the blackjack to blow.

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