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Old 2009-07-22, 09:02 AM   #2499
The Doink
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The way out is through

Originally Posted by van View Post
I just get confused looks, and pulled over.

I don't even speed
You don't have to really speed anymore to get pulled over. Just drive safely through one of Reno's speed traps... like the unnecessary 35mph zone at the intersection of Longley and Double R. Then you can get a ticket for going 48 in a 45 that drops to 35 for no reason.

I can't wait to spend $3,600 over the next three years in insurance premiums so Reno can pad their income with a whopping $45. Apparently there were 3 other people pulled over there in the span of 30 minutes. I'm sure all those people were just as a menace to society as Lisa was going 48 mph on an empty 8 lane wide road that has no side streets.

Nothing like a bad economy to force the cops to waste time making money for the city rather than pulling over the people that are actually driving poorly. Is it really so much easier to hide behind some trees and radar people than to observe and ticket the people that run red lights, run stop signs, weave through traffic, street race, and driver generally absentmindedly? I know I see people driving in the latter manner every time I have to drive anywhere in this city.
Is you is, or is you ain't, my con-stit-u-ints?
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