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Old 2010-06-25, 07:49 AM   #171
(40 percent vodka)
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Originally Posted by bigrobwoot View Post
Here are plenty of bad mutations:

Here's an example of a good one:

here's a fish with "legs":
I regret clicking on that first link. Thanks Rob. I don't think that I personally would consider mutations to be evolution. A person can take drugs or sit on the microwave and it can cause a mutation in their children. Humans are all imperfect and with the number of variables in life, problems arise. My son has an abnormality in his pancreas causing him to have hyperinsulinism. This condition can be passed on from a parent but genetic testing has shown that neither my wife nor myself passed it to him.

The second link is simply a condition that you wish you had. In reality I would not consider that a good mutation though. Your body needs fat to function properly. From a cosmetic standpoint, that is greatly desired. In a real life application that person would probably run out of food to support the additional muscle growth and not survive compared to someone who can store fat to account for periods of low food intake. Clearly you and I have talked a lot about how muscle and food and all those things come into play so we don't really need to go into that.

The third link is clearly a fish with arms, not legs. I find that these beliefs require more faith than mine do. To say that there is a constant stream of mutations flowing through life that are negative and then every so many billion years a good mutation enters the mix and provides a step in a good direction is difficult to accept. Then for that single instance of mutation to be retained and passed on from that moment forward is mathematically even more difficult to accept. Then for that same string of good mutated creatures to receive yet another good mutation and another and another and another and continue to pass them on without being wiped out is mathematically impossible on the highest level. Kevin referred to odds like winning the lottery every day for a year. If that fish which we still see today, was the beginning of the evolution of mankind, why is it still here? Why didn't they all evolve into something else or die out because of being inferior?

I think perhaps some people don't believe we were created simply because that answer is not complex enough.

Its nothing against anyone in this thread but, I will never be able to believe that this fish (regardless of how old the earth is)

was able to eventually turn into this.

"A power nap is when you sleep on someone who is weaker than you." - Dimitri Martin
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