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Old 2010-06-25, 09:42 AM   #175
(40 percent vodka)
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Originally Posted by bigrobwoot View Post
Some other things to think about regarding breeding:

It isn't necessarily the strongest that pass on their seeds. It is only the ones that survive long enough to breed. If it were only the strongest people that bred, there wouldn't be any engineers
That. just. happened!

Originally Posted by bigrobwoot View Post
Also, think about what attracts you to someone right when you see them. It is all things to make you want to pass the strongest traits to your offspring. Girls with nice bodies are usually in shape, which means that they would be able to escape danger more easily. Buff guys can defend the girls, and can be more dominant in the pack, and can hunt more effectively. All these knee-jerk reactions towards the opposite sex are attractions to strong evolutionary traits for humans.
Robb, you and I both know that when you see a hot chick, the thought of children is probably the furthest thing from your mind. Attractiveness is HIGHLY influenced by media and perception. Not to get into racism but how would your theory work in a place like china where to be honest, most everyone has the same color hair and is proportionally very similar in size? Also, just because a girl is skinny doesn't mean she is in shape. When you talk about escaping danger, I really don't think it matters how in shape you are. Even the most in shape man/woman can be killed by any number of animals even if you have the human advantage of a weapon.

Thinking in terms of evolution ,why are there male and female of most every species? Wouldn't it have been much easier on evolution if there was a single sex that could reproduce on its own or with another member of the same sex? Woman has been dominated by Man since the beginning (whatever that means to each person) and is referred to as the weaker sex. So why are they here? "If you didn't have that womb... something something... voted off the island...". I am not a sexist and I do not intent to hurt any feelings. I find it hard to believe that the first male fish with legs walked up on the beach only to find a female fish walking up on the beach "Hey, whats a fish like you doing on a beach like this? Lets mate so we can pass these legs on to our kids". In swoops seagull, roll credits.
"A power nap is when you sleep on someone who is weaker than you." - Dimitri Martin
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