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Old 2004-11-02, 01:35 PM   #6
sti deede
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Originally Posted by sperry
I spent the day disemboweling myself... had some bad sushi on Friday, got sick while in Sac Saturday evening, came home before the Rally on Sunday, and missed work on Monday. I'm at work today, but I still feel like crap, and I'm on enough Immodium to plug up an Elephant. Plus, I'm hungry as hell, but can't eat.... all I've had since pizza Saturday night is a bowl of Ramen, some tuna and crackers and gallons of water and Gatorade.

Also, I have to figure out how to go wait in line for a few hours to vote w/o having to run to the bathroom. Bad stuff.
Sorry that you feel awful Scott. Hope you get well soon. Let me know if there is anything that I can do for you. Food, Drink, etc. I'd be happy to help.
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