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Old 2005-05-19, 01:02 PM   #17
The Doink
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Originally Posted by doubleurx
I know there is a ton of deaths, but is the violence really graphic? I don't think I can avoid bringing Bayley to see it, I just want to be prepared. He is so amped to see this movie.
There's a *lot* of lightsaber fighting.... many robots and clones killed like in most movies, and that's probably not going to affect the kids.

However, some very important (even if they're bad guys) characters meet gruesome deaths. It's not explicitly shown of course, but it's obvious how they die, and I'm sure even younger kids would pick up on it.

And the worst is that a lot of Jedi die. It may be hard on kids to watch the good guys get killed. And of course, the central theme of the movie is Anakin's decent into becoming Darth Vader... if your kids have seen Ep I and II where Anakin is a good guy, they might find this hard to understand. Anakin does some really evil stuff, and gets horribly disfigured (very graphically) to become Vader.

Those w/ little kids may want to pre-view the movie to decide if they want their kids to see it. And if you do bring your little kids, I'd sit down and explain the plot to them before hand... about how Anakin is seduced by the dark side, and how he becomes an evil person... just so they're prepared for the film, and have a better time understanding why Anakin turns evil.

Unlike the previous two new Star Wars flicks, this is not a kid's movie (all though the dialog between Anakin and Padame sure seems like it was written by 12 year old kids). Before this movie the scariest thing in Star Wars might have been the snow beast in Empire... this movie makes the snow beast look like a puppy dog, at least that's how I think a young kid might take it. For example, Gen. Grevious is friggen scary... the Emperor is a twisted fuck... the Jedi are powerless... and Anakin goes evil like the flip of a light switch, to the point where young kids might not totally understand w/ the "good guy" is suddenly doing such bad things.
Is you is, or is you ain't, my con-stit-u-ints?
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