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Old 2005-12-11, 06:22 PM   #25
The Doink
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The way out is through

Originally Posted by DARKSTI
Like i said im not stupid...i dont go more than 10MPH over the that is a extreme example. But people have gotten killed at tracks...drag racing..road racing, whatever. I didnt get to explain the Porsche, that was in the wipe are before it gets to 1 lane each way..i let him go ahead way before theemergency signal.
Even racing on the street below the speed limit is dangerous... that's why the law isn't "no racing over the speed limit", the law is "no racing".

And while people get killed at race tracks... innocent bystanders don't get killed at the race track. When I'm out there I'm at 100% concentration in a car inspected for safe operation, with other cars driven by drivers at 100% concentration in their safety inspected cars... and we've all signed waivers.

On the street there are people out there that aren't in on your little game, and it's not fair to risk their lives. That's why street racing is illegal... not 'cause "the man" is trying to keep you down, it's 'cause other people can die when you fuck up on the street, not just the participants.

Originally Posted by DARKSTI
Thats wasnt what i was told..i forget her name...but the nice woman who runs the school said after i start going a certain speed or time i need a cage
When you start getting into the 11's at the strip, I believe a cage is required... but road race tracks don't tend to have the same requirements. Though if you're getting into 100+ mph speeds, a roll hoop becomes a good idea. I'm looking at getting a 6 point hoop before next season starts.

Originally Posted by DARKSTI
I NEVER said its better to street race, i said its easier. You can get killed either way, and even the NHRA has relaxed it cars are much safer at higher speeds...but if you race on Virgina at 6pm on a saturday, that stupid. IF i even street race like i said, there are no other cars and no places one could turn out of, i would never race in a resdential area either.
If you're going to put so many resitrictions on yourself trying to be safe about it, why not just stop racing on the street period? Plus, safety issues aside, it doesn't matter how desolated the spot is that you pick to race on, it's still your ass in jail if the cops see you. Why even bother with the risk, when there are much more fun and much safer venues to race at?
Is you is, or is you ain't, my con-stit-u-ints?
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