Thread: This Anybody?
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Old 2005-12-11, 10:25 PM   #52
The Doink
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The way out is through

God I'm sick of this conversation. You can try to justify it all you want by talking about stuff that's more dangerous, or by listing off a bunch of "precautions" you take, or by describing how empty the road is... it still doesn't change the fact that you're breaking a well intentioned law for no reason.

The bottom line is this: street racing is illegal because 99.99% of the time it's unsafe. Sure, an abandoned industrial street at 1 am may actually be just as safe as the track (though I doubt the people there have an ambulance and fire crew on stand-by and helmets for the competitors...) but the law has to draw a line somewhere. And that line has been drawn to disclude competition on public streets, *all* public streets. It's a just law... disregarding it as some macho act of defiance makes you look like a tool. Especially since there are safer, legitimate outlets for speed competition, including the drag strip, autocross, track days, etc. It only takes one little oops to fuck up the rest of your life... what if the guy your racing crashes into you? ...what if you blow the motor and your car burns? ...what if someone thinks your cheating and shoots you over a $50 race?

And for the people that can't resist "proving themselves" when someone revs on them... you're an egotistical idiot. I dial 911 when I see retards like you that attach the speed of your car to your sense of self importance. Remember this: going fast only takes money... and there's always someone out there with more money. You *can't* prove anything about yourself when you race "run what you brung", you can only prove how much money you've spent. ...course that sounds exactly like drag racing, which is the lowest form of motorsports. Hell, even monster trucks at least take driving skill.

Grow up. People that actually care about motorsports for the sport rather than for the ego-stroking are tired of you making us look bad.

And finally:

baron =

barren =
Is you is, or is you ain't, my con-stit-u-ints?
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