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Old 2006-03-14, 03:56 PM   #7
Seņor Cheap Bastarde
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Deal, did somebody say Deal? Oh, Dean, yeah that's me.

The Snow and Ice Tires 2005... thread is pretty clear on what is good this year.

This is a perfectly good question we would have hapily answered there. We only get really grumpy about one liner negative responses to 12 month old questions...

And this is not about ABS! ABS has nothing to do with cars that have all 4 wheels locked, moving, or not... So stop ragging on the Subaru ABS you guys.

Those three tires blew away all other commers in the tests on ice.

I beleive you can only stud tires that have the little holes predrilled for them, but could be wrong.

Ice is the hardest thing to get traction on. the Silica in the rubber compounds, and the squigly siping is what makes those tires work as well as they do on ice.

After having driven on Debbie's Revos, I have a new respect for those tires. they are phenominal. A couple of us commented on how good they were back to back in the same conditions vs. our snow or all season tires.

But no matter what, tilted ice is tilted ice, and whne you put weight on it, it becomes close to zero friction tilted ice for which there is little recovery from. Studs may not have even saved you.
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