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Old 2006-04-13, 09:59 AM   #45
The Doink
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The way out is through

Originally Posted by R4ND0M_AX3
We use web app locally on our laptops.

WinXP Pro w/ IIS. MSDE for the database. MSDE has a 2GB database limit and slows itself down when more than 5 connections to it are opened.

Java GUI --> IIS --> MSDE

Then later if you need to expand you can move up to SQL Server.
Cool, now who pays for that? The SCCA laptop came with XP Home, and no one's paying for the upgrade.

Also, the idea of writing and testing a web application to be used locally makes me want to eat my own face. There are development tools and languages that are about 1000 times better than what you get w/ a web interface designed specifically for writing local applications. Just because you can get something to work as a "web application" does not make it the correct solution. Web apps are still about 20 years behind the curve as far as user interface capabilities when compared to true native applications.

Everyone together now: "The best way to write a windows application is to write a windows application." It's not: "Create an online database, write a script that accesses the database, implement a flash interface that gives you a slick (non-standard) GUI but only works on Internet Explorer and only if you have the latest updates, create a downloadable Java app that will talk to the serial port for timing I/O but only if the user has administrator privledges and has updated to the latest version of Java from Sun, interface the Java comms app to the flash page, and wrap the whole thing into a complicated cookies-based state machine that will never be 100% stable because the web is inherently stateless. Oh and nevermind the security issues that will allow anyone with an associated degree in 'web guruism' to enter their own run times into the database at will."

Dan, if your business thinks local web apps are the way to go, someone at your company should be fired IMO. The *only* reason to go that route is if you already had the web software written and you're using it while someone implements a local version.

Sorry to rant, but this is a pet peeve of mine... The internet is a fucking mess. Basic web browsing (plain old text and pictures) is pretty good, and the whole message board thing is pretty well sorted out. Online shopping is getting pretty close to decent (mostly just out of necessity) but is still very hit-or-miss based on the vendor. However, in general, the internet is chock full of terrible code, poor design practices, awful user interfaces, and security holes large enough to barrel roll a triple-7 through. Having done both apps and web development for the last 10 years, choosing to keep that web-based shit off my local system is a no-brainer. There is no reason to install $1000 in licenses, 15 GB of software, and 7 different supporting applications (that all need to be constantly updated online), and one hacked together web-app just to get the functionality that a 200k C++ Builder app that took 15 hours to design, implement, test and debug is insane.
Is you is, or is you ain't, my con-stit-u-ints?
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