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Old 2006-04-20, 10:11 AM   #36
The Doink
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The way out is through

Originally Posted by dustinr
Funny though that I see rex's all over town that I know I've seen at the meets, and they always want to play drag race whether I'm driving the STi, the Evo or the bike. So don't pretend that your club is holy'er than thou... some of you are part of the dark side...
I think everyone else has pretty much said what I would say, but I still want to address this one comment specifically.

SECCS does not advocate the breaking of laws, regardless of the situation. We don't post about street racing, we don't post about "this one time I was going 140 on the highway", we don't post about passing trucks in an area that's notorious for car on truck accidents over a double yellow.

Does that mean all SECCS members are perfect angelic drivers? Of course not... but it means you come on the boards like a dumb-ass and advocate those actions! Like Nick said, I've got to give you some respect for coming on the board and apologizing. That was a class act move. And perhaps some of us were a little quick to flame you, even though you were apologizing. But to attempt to defend your actions as justifiable goes a long way to un-apologize. It also goes against the board's policy of not advocating jackassery. If you think it's okay to drive like an idiot, at the very least, keep your mouth shut about it on the boards and take your licks when the rest of us come down on you.

Think of it this way. You pissed off Matt pretty severly with your antics. What happens when you do that to someone w/ less self control? What happens when some pissed truck driver *intentionally* decides to run you into the median? You think that EVO can stand up to a rig? What happens when that happens and you're on the bike?

I understand "agressive" defensive driving... i.e. proactively staying out of trouble, especially on a bike. But darting out of a truck's blind spot to pass doesn't count. The fact that you were able to pull two stupid moves in one day, against the same truck speaks volumes to the way you must drive all the time. To me, it sounds like you're well down the path to becoming the owner of a crashed EVO, or a stain on the road if you're riding the bike. Normally I'd advocate "taking it to the track" instead of driving agressively on the street, but frankly I wouldn't want to share the track with you either... I'd be too worried that you'd ignore the yellow flags because you're some sorta "free thinker".

As far as a modified blue wagon trying to race you... they're not part of SECCS. The last blue wagon in the club was Debbie's, and it was unmodified (B-Stock legal), not driven childishly, and died by rear-ending a few years back.
Is you is, or is you ain't, my con-stit-u-ints?
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