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Old 2007-04-17, 06:26 AM   #16
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Originally Posted by AtomicLabMonkey View Post
... Get the hell away or take them down, don't just lay there and "play dead" so he can put a bullet in the back of your head nice and easy. Christ, at least give him a moving target.

I whole-heartedly agree. Everybody says it's different when you're actually there, and I in a way, have been. Trust me, I ran like a little bitch! I can't see just cowering in a corner hoping nothing bad happens to you.

There were "reports" of students diving out of windows toward saftey, so it seems at least not EVERYONE played possum.

This is absolutely horrible to me. My GF's mom asked if we weren't "shocked and disgusted". I told her disgusted yes, but shocked, no, not really. With shit like this going on around the world on a daily basis, it's not too far fetched to me honestly. Terrible, but true.
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