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Old 2007-05-23, 08:13 AM   #39
A1337STI's Avatar
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"pedal on the right"

Originally Posted by Joeyy View Post
Are you running the same 615s you use at autocross? If so, how did they hold up?
Yep same set of tires. They held up great! I was worried after the first session because it looked like i had strange wear on my back right, but Dean pointed out it was rubber pick up. By now my tires are basically shaved to 4-5 mm . Really even wear but i have a slight slight touch of toe out all around. I didn't measure too accurately before/after the event. I'm sure i lost some tread but i can't really tell how much, very minimal loss though and for all the driving time we got . most of our sessions felt like they were 30 minutes. 2 hours of track driving easy.

I should check my pads for wear now (they were brand new... were ..)

I've read on grassroots motor sports tire test that the RT615's will over heat a bit but i never noticed any issues. although they probably felt like they had the most grip on about my 3rd lap and slightly less on the 4th. not sure if i was running just a touch too much PSI or what (was shooting for about 38-40 hot, kept coming off the track at 41-42) Scott said to use 38 so maybe next time i just need to run with 3 psi lower cold
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