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Old 2010-06-09, 06:51 AM   #74
Seņor Cheap Bastarde
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Deal, did somebody say Deal? Oh, Dean, yeah that's me.

The problem with religious tomes are the editors and in some cases translators. Both testaments were compiled by men with human failings and opinions. It has been a while, but the Discovery channel had an interesting show on "books" left out of the bible.

And the "books" themselves are a product of their times and any interpretation IMHO has to be taken in that context.

I do not really disbelieve anything in the bible, but in no way shape or form trust the men who may or may not have had good intentions over the centuries in changing/shaping those ideas/words.

My problem with religion is not faith itself, but with the organizations and organizers of religion.

To take that to an extreme, are the Pope and Osama Bin Laden really that different? In some ways, you could say the only difference is the pulpit they speak from and in that respect, which appears more opulent and self aggrandizing?

I think we should revoke the tax exempt status on all religious organizations and tax the snot out of any profits they make. Religion should not be a business model.
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