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Old 2010-07-11, 09:46 PM   #1
The Doink
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Real Name: Scott
Join Date: Nov 2002
Location: Portland, OR
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Car: '09 OBXT, '02 WRX, '96 Miata
Class: PDX/TT-6
The way out is through
Default Dear spineless coward...

...with the white car that decided to total my SVX last night in the Silver Legacy parking garage.

Sure, you probably didn't intentionally decide to be a totally inept retard of a driver and purposely drag your right front bumper across my left rear bumper, wheel, tire, and fender while trying to jam your car into the spot next to me clearly labeled "compact". But by not leaving me your contact info and running from the scene, you're basically on par with the common dickless vandal in my book.

Next time, man up and take responsibility for your ineptitude, you fucking coward. Certainly your insurance would be able to fix my car because it was your fault... but I can pretty much guarantee my insurance will just total out my car even if the damage is only a few hundred dollars, what with my SVX booking so low in value.

So since I'll probably have to fix this out-of-pocket, thanks a ton for stealing a wad of cash from me you little bitch. I hope some other vandal smashes all the windows out of what ever pile of shit you drive, though you'll likely just tape trash bags up and soldier on because clearly you don't seem to give two shits about respect for property or you would have a) not run like a little bitch after hitting me, or b) probably would have learned to drive less like a reckless douche and not have hit me in the first place.


The guy that's going to fuck you in small claims court if the Silver Legacy happens to have video from the parking garage.
Is you is, or is you ain't, my con-stit-u-ints?
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