Thread: GO VOTE!
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Old 2011-04-20, 10:28 AM   #51
The Doink
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The way out is through

Originally Posted by A1337STI View Post
One would think Trump might actually be good for businesses , and at least the stock analysts would love it and stocks would go up. If he took running the country as a business (and wasn't just concerned with boosting the profits of all his companies) things could go really well. like raising taxes on the rich , reducing out idiotic over spending , etc ,etc,

More likely he would just spend 4 years setting up the country so his businesses would be more profitable though ...

Obama has literally out spent every other president combined, (when looking at our new health care cost commitments) at a time that revenue is declining. I want Clinton back , Bush sucked really bad, and Obama sucks too (though less) but Clinton actually balanced a budget and made a Debt payment, not just interest payments .

Anyone else aware that the US got denied credit for the first time in history??? that's epically bad news our creditor later approved that request, but really the only thing that keeps us having everything "normal" is china continues to loan us money. that has to stop, we need a real leader who will make that stop by cutting spending (well fair and health care please, social security too, end the wars unless we actually steal oil to pay for them) raise taxes on the rich back to Clinton levels .

but we won't because we are stupid, lazy and feel entitled. eventually when our credit runs out, then and only then will we cut things, only because there is no other option.


F U China!
Clinton seemed good because the economy was booming. The problem is... the economy wasn't really booming... it was bubbling. The tech bubble is what balanced the budget. When that bubble burst, all those folks rolled the money they had made into real estate, which is basically why real estate became so over-valued, triggering the housing bubble, and why we're in the mess we're in now.

So really, you could in fact blame our current mess on the Clinton administration for not regulating the market in the 90's in order to slow growth and prevent bubbles.

Trump on the other hand is actually not a great business man. He's lost tons and tons of cash over the years. The only reason he was ever successful is because he started with a bunch of inherited money. I too could be a millionaire if I was born that way. It's not that hard to make money when you've already got plenty. Trump would turn our nation into a shitty reality TV show... as if the Bush era didn't already make us an international joke enough.

Also, Trump wouldn't raise taxes. Republicans can't or won't face the facts that trickle-down doesn't work. They've backed themselves into a corner with all their rhetoric about how it's somehow taxes that caused all our economic problems, and now they can't even consider revenue solutions to the economic issues without being hypocrites.

Meanwhile, I think just about everyone else knows that we cannot cut spending on the order necessary to balance the budget. It's time to raise taxes... especially on the people that can afford it. Personally, I'm offended by rich folks that have their success by and large due to the favoritism afforded to them by lax gov't economic regulations who, now that the tide has turned, refuse to suck it up and pay higher taxes in order to get the economy back on track. I'm not rich, but I can afford to pay a little more if that's what it takes to turn things around.... so I know for sure that someone making 100 times as much as I do should be able to STFU and pay an extra 5%-10% more in taxes for then next 4 years.

I think Obama's continued support of bail-out type spending and insistence on tip-toeing around the idea of raising taxes in order not to offend conservative voters is a mistake. It's prolonging the economic recovery. It's about time we pull the band-aid off quickly. The sooner we stop spending money on recovery projects and just let those that are broke be broke, and the sooner we raise revenue and balance the budget, the sooner things will turn around and jobs will be created, etc. Yes, raising taxes sucks... it slows growth... but not as much as bankruptcy slows growth... and we've got to stop passing the debt around and around. It's time for everyone to suck it up and pay the piper.
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