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Old 2004-11-03, 01:01 PM   #14
The Doink
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The way out is through

Originally Posted by MikeSTI
haha Dems cant finance a revolution without taxing the Reps you lose, not to mention 80% of this country would claim to be Christian :wink:

btw - all faith in this country no matter witch faith it is, is still in God or Jesus! Love all is our first commandment. Why wouldnt that be good for all to have? People without faith = reckless and they need our love that much more. If I can plant the seed God will water it! If I turn my head and ignore those people then I let God down and the devil in. Morals are what we should vote for or we will fall flat on our faces.

Why would you support gay marriage? to please 2% of the popullation? that is like spitting on all the good that marriage is in a Godly union, for Marriage is in the Bible as a man and a woman as one in God.

It seems most people on this forum are Dems and Indy's and I respect that. but one day you might realize you have to vote for yourself and not a party, unless your part of a union or a state worker then you have to vote for the Dems

I know I'm keeping this responce short and probly not helping anyone with my words but it is real hard for me to say this in an open forum because I'm not the best at putting my words down in print but am better at talking on the issues.
Actually, I'm a Republican and a Catholic. Does that mean I believe in the Republican line, or everything in the Bible? Obviously not. when it comes to politics and religion, I think everyone should make up their own minds. It's very irritating to me to be told what to believe.

I support Gay marriage for one simple reason, I don't consider myself high enough to decide how other people should live their lives. Are you? What gives you the right to decide another person's happiness? If God truely hates they Gays, isn't that between them and God? What right do you or I have to step inbetween? (BTW: 10% of the US population is gay, and possibly far more would come out if religion didn't persecute them so much. In fact, statistically speaking there's probably at least 1 person in SECCS that's gay.)

I agree with you that if people in general were closer to faith, or morally strict we'd live in a better country with fewer problems. The problem is that there is no one faith that fits all people. You say everyone in America believes in God and/or Jesus. That's far from the truth. There are *many* other religions, are they all wrong? There are many people that believe in reason and science over faith (not to say they can't co-exist), do these people's beliefs have no weight because they don't match yours? Should these other perspectives be outlawed?

The fundamental building block of our nation is that no one group of people gets to decide for another. We all have a voice. I'm just concerned that the majority of our country has decided that they're morally superior because they're in the majority. That's very dangerous territory.
Is you is, or is you ain't, my con-stit-u-ints?
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