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Old 2009-06-05, 02:09 PM   #1
Candy Mountain
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Default SECCS Fender Rolling Party - June 14th - $20/car

I have Sybir's fender roller and heat gun as he was kind enough to lend them to me. I'd like to have a fender rolling party and I believe that the only day that will work for me is Sunday, June 14th. I'll be doing my timing belt on Saturday, the 13th so hopefully I'll be done by Sunday morning.

I, myself, do not have any experience rolling fenders but it seems fairly straightforward. Hopefully someone with experience will be there though. Unless someone with a better location would like it at their house/shop, etc, we'll have it at my house in Stead. I have a two car garage, a jack and jackstands and basic tools.

Sybir would like a $20 donation to go to SECCS (hosting fees, etc) for each car. Let's just make it $20 flat even if you only need the rears rolled. It's for a good cause. Sperry, please let me know what method[s] of payment you are okay with and I can keep track of payments. If you can't afford the $20, think it's too expensive, think I'm a big jerk, etc, post up and we'll see what we can do.

I'll keep an updated list of interested people in this post. We'll decide on a start time later based on the size of the list and the existence of any desire to get an early start. In the event of battles for timeslots, your post number in this thead will dictate who prevails.

If we end up with tons of interest and one day isn't going to cut it, perhaps somebody that Sybir trusts could get his permission to throw another one of these on a different day.

Entry List

1. Cody
2. youloze

Edit (6/11/09): Well, we don't have very many people getting their fenders rolled, apparently, but Robbie and his family are being nice enough to let us use their garage with a lift and Robbie's going to be BBQing burgers, etc. We still need people to bring drinks (no alcohol allowed), chips and salsa, Brats, buns, tomato, lettuce, onion, etc and whatever else you may want to bring. Think potluck and post up what you may bring.

Rolling begins at 9am and I imagine the BBQ will get fired up around noon. Here's Robbie's address:

Its down off the So. Meadows Pkwy Exit off 395

My cell is 240-9891

Edit: (6/12/09)

A note from RobbY:

Anyone and everyone is welcome to come, and if you want, after we are done rolling fenders, I am more than willing to put anyones car on the rack that wants it up there so you can check it out from a different perspective than on your back. People are welcome to do fluid changes as well at this event once the main objective is accomplished, but I will say that you need to take your excess fluids with you and dispose of them by yourself, usually i will accomodate this but with the number of people I feel will be making an appearence i cannot take responsibility for the fluids you drain from your car.

1. I and only I operate the lift, this is for insurance and safety reasons. Cory (MPREZIV) if you show your fine as I know you know what your doing but anyone else, Only Cory or I may operate the hoist. It has the potential for catastrophic failure and this can come back on my parents, which I am not willing to risk.
2. No booze - This isn't me its my parents request
3. No tobbaco - again by parental request, theres a school across the street where you may go and smoke/chew whatever you want to do but not on my property as per my mommy,
4. Excess fluids must be disposed of personally, I am not responsible for your waste!
5. Respect - All I ask is you respect my personal property as I am allowing you to use it, and we wont have any problems.

I hate to be a bastard and be a rule maker, these are more my parents rules than mine, but I please ask you to respect them, and hopefully in the future maybe we can make a semi-annual SECCS Install day/BBQ at my house.
Please respect these rules as Robby's parents are our gracious hosts and these are their rules.
Slow and low, that is the tempo.

Last edited by cody; 2009-06-14 at 07:39 AM.
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