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Old 2010-05-13, 08:53 AM   #22
The Doink
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Originally Posted by R4ND0M_AX3 View Post
I was talking about the "press 1 to subscribe to more advertising, press 2 to add reoccuring charges to your credit card..."

I know it will ring and dial out. Now where's my blue box at?
Oh, that's what you meant by "phone tree", I was assuming you were just talking about the wiring to the house.

I bet those menus don't work... I'm pretty sure they're touch-tone only, hence all the older adverts that say stuff like "check your account from your touch-tone phone!" Supposedly if you wait on the line though it should route to an operator... if the place isn't super cheap.

But really, who's going to own an old rotary dial phone as their only phone these days... they're cool nostalgia items, not communications appliances. Needing a rotary phone that works on a menu tree is like needing a '64 Vette that gets 50 mpg.
Is you is, or is you ain't, my con-stit-u-ints?
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