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Old 2004-08-26, 09:06 AM   #10
The Doink
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Real Name: Scott
Join Date: Nov 2002
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Car: '09 OBXT, '02 WRX, '96 Miata
Class: PDX/TT-6
The way out is through

I have speed bleeders on my car. They're nice because you can pump the fluid out w/o having to on/off the valve over and over manually. However, to really get the system free of all air, you need to have a person to crack/close the bleeder while someone else presses the pedal.

I was under the impression that the seal on the reservoir was pretty good... it looks like it clamps on, then has a chain and hooks to really lock it down. A better setup would be a reservior from a BMW or Porsche, or other European car, since they have threaded caps that the bleeder setup would just screw onto... but swapping out the reservior sounds like overkill.

I'll agree w/ Berndt, bleeding the brakes really isn't that hard (I've done like 4 cars since last Thursday). I just thought having a setup like that pressurized tank would only make it easier for everyone in the club.
Is you is, or is you ain't, my con-stit-u-ints?
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