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Old 2007-08-16, 05:07 PM   #41
left footed whooten
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Real Name: Dylan
Join Date: Apr 2005
Location: Truckee
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Class: Stuck working weekends

First off, blech is correct, or wait make that BBBBLLLLLEEEEECCCCCCHHHHHH!!!!!!!!

Yes its a powerful osmotic that will drag a shit of you like, well like shit through a goose. Sometimes trauma patients will not have shat for so long their ammonia builds up and makes them batshit confused, like trying to stand up with a cranial drain still in their head. High ammonia is not good.

Also if they haven't crapped for a week or so and they have a surgery on the way, and we've tried every other thing from MoM to mag citrate, its time to make some cookies. It always happens on thedays that they serve beef and barley soup in the caf....

One certain doctor is known for prescribing them, after all, you don't want to have gigantic BM while on the operating table, no? Sterile field? What sterile field.

In case you're feeling backed up:
300cc molassess
200cc whole milk.
Pour together, warm in microwave.

Funnel that shit in there and hope to god they will stay on the bedpan. In the two I've had the displeasure of giving, well, imagine striking oil...but not being happy about it.

one guy we had to give one was so confused and full of ammonia (critical level), that he crawled off the bed with wires all over him, a tube draining his chest cavity, IV's stretching to the max and was trying to shit into a 4' high trashcan....he wasn't tall enough. 4 hours later me and 3 other RN's had him cleaned up and back in bed. 4 hours.... it looked like a horsepen in there. Roadapples everywhere. We had no idea he even had the strength to get up because we couldn't get him to the same morninig. I turn my back to answer the trauma pager for 3 seconds and all hell broke loose in ther, so to speak.
I'd rather drink muddy water and sleep in a hollow log
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