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Old 2010-06-08, 02:59 PM   #61
The Doink
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The way out is through

Originally Posted by 100_Percent_Juice View Post
I understand what you are saying. I guess it comes down to your definition of wasting.

Since I can only speak for myself, lets use me as an example. I am 26. I am married to a woman that I love. I have 2 beautiful sons. I have a loving family and many close friends. I like beer and wine tasting, playing football on weekends, camping, boating, hunting, going to movies, playing video games, having a lot of heterosexual sex, building things, drawing, and hopefully I will soon add racing to the list. I also go to "church" 2 times a week where we study the bible. I make it a point to talk to people about my beliefs if there is an opportunity because it is a big part of who I am.

Please be honest because you can't hurt my feelings. Does this sound like I am wasting my life? I honestly don't think we are that different.

There are hundreds of thousands of religions in the world. To say that all religions push their beliefs on people and are judgemental is a false and unfair statement. I agree with Kevin and the rest of you when you say its not right to judge someone or try to control them based on what you feel is right. I can only speak for myself when I say that I do not do that in life and I don't think I have in this thread.

On the other hand, and I am not talking to any one individual here but, please do not assume what I believe. I do not believe that I will go to heaven or hell. I have had lots of pets die and I don't believe God has any plan for them. I do not believe when a person is killed in an accident that "God needed another angel". How you live your life is completely up to you and I would never try to do anything to stop you.

Let me ask a question. If an individual believes completely in their heart that there is a God and a purpose and a way to gain everlasting life free from sickness and death(like it talks about in the bible). Wouldn't you feel obglated to tell people about it?

To me that doesn't seem unfair. You already try to help people in smaller ways just on this forum. What if you posted a thread on some new tires that you absolutely love and that you feel, handle better than others you have tried. Would it be fair for someone to say "I find it unfortunate that you are trying to impose upon me what tires I should and should not run." No. That wouldn't make any sense.
I wasn't talking about you specifically, in fact not even in the faintest. I was more thinking along the lines of a 20 year old Muslim that straps a bomb to his chest and dies because he thinks he can help his cause on the way to 72 virgins and everlasting awesomeness.

That's religion used as a brainwashing tool and not at all as a belief system for improving your life here on earth, which how most religious people I know approach religion. When religion is an all-encompassing, fundamental tenant of your life to the exclusion of everything else that's wonderful in the world, then you're doing it wrong.
Is you is, or is you ain't, my con-stit-u-ints?
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