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Old 2006-11-02, 10:10 AM   #39
Captain Turbo
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Originally Posted by Dean
bomb them and anyone near them back to the stone age with either conventional or tactical nuclear weapons, and send a message to the rest of the MF'ers not to F with us.
That is just ridiculous. If america used nukes on foreign soil how long do you think it would be before a nuke went off here.

Also, if america set off a nukular weapon somewhere to "send a message", how many people would be killed who had nothing to do with it. Great job! You just killed millions of innocent people and created a whole new generation of honest to science america haters.

America has made an art out of being the world's bully since the fall of the soviet union, but stupid shit like that will bring this era to an end very quickly.

The real solution is for america to stop interfering with the internal politics of other countries, and that will only happen when the oil dependence goes away. How different would the world be right now if every cent that America has been spent in Iraq the last few years was instead spent on developing electric car technology, or ethanol technology, or any other technology that could reduce or eliminate america's dependence on oil.
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