Thread: Meth
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Old 2007-01-11, 03:11 PM   #20
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Real Name: Dean W.
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They were all dead when I got here!

Well after getting 4 phone calls from the Washoe County School District regarding this special presentation, I decided not to watch it or force my kids to watch it. Living the experience of sex, drugs and rock and roll of the 70's thru 90's gives me a bit of insight into the forum. Not bragging or proud of, but I am OLD...experimenting with Pot, Krank, Shrooms, Acid, Coke, and even Free Base is in my history, no needles, thats just creepy. I have people that are close to me that have been impacted by Meth as well, my Hells Angel Step father was into everything and anything and paid the price with half of his adult life being in prison, and then a sudden death due to messing with the neighbors wife.

Since I didnt watch the show, I dont know the details, but I will say that we are very open with our kids, about education, not just drugs, but alcohol and sex. Education and openess are probably the best weapon against things like meth. Peer pressure is certainly going to have a certain influence, but we like to think our kids might use peer pressure to keep some of their friends from trying meth. Naive, perhaps.

We run a youth baseball and softball league in Sun Valley, meth heaven as some might say. We spend MANY days and hours helping kids learn the game, which sometimes become life lessons. Some get lost in reality, I would like to think we influence more in the right direction.

I heard on the media aftermath that Nevada ranks #1 in the Meth war, I would like to see hard stats or where they come up with this info, we have such a transient base how could you determine that. I would also like to know how many other States watched that feature. Just my curiosity. Before anyone gets on the Sun Valley rant,
I believe the national stats indicate that above middle class has the highest amount of cases.

As far as the appearance of the meth head, everyone I have known has had massive acne, pock marks, rotting teeth, and sunkin features. However as in my case, a Steel metal pole to the face can have a serious impact on tooth health as well.

Back in the day, Freebase was the most addictive drug available, and I am happy to say all of the people I know that "experimented" with the long list of drugs mentioned above all have families and to my knowledge are living productive healthy lives.

I could tell you stories! Real life stories.
Don't interupt me while I am ignoring you!
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